Creativity is the greatest form of rebellion

The Embodied Creatrix





Creativity is the greatest form of rebellion.

The Embodied Creatrix


You didn’t descend from an unbroken line of wombs

to play small. 
You came here to remember - your true nature, your purpose, your divinity.
You came here to reclaim

- your magic, your alchemy, your medicine.
You came here to restore

- your power, your sanctity, your wholeness. 
You have returned to midwife your own life, to awaken your creative spirit and to serve as an emissary of 


You feel the heartbeat of 

Mama Gaia

calling you back to her primordial

 cycle of


You feel an ancient calling to honour the feminine life force stirring within your womb space.

You feel a deep yearning to stoke your inner fires and dance with the flames 

of your own expression.



You know you have medicine to distill, codes to anchor and inspiration to ground into matter.

Does this sound 


No matter how much these truths resonate in your core, you’re still finding yourself staring at a blank page, uninspired, stuck in a loop of hesitation and resistance.

You’ve tried all the mindset hacks but you can't get into a groove and you’re still left with that nagging guilty feeling for not following through on your soul work.

You’re paralyzed by perfectionism, self-doubt or fear of rejection.

You’re weighed down by feelings of inadequacy, overwhelm and confusion.

You’re on the verge of scrapping that project you’ve poured your heart into.

Sister, I was there too.

After hustling to build my own 7-figure international yoga clothing brand over seven years, I hit a wall. The well was dry. Bone dry. Everything I released was a flop. I was uninspired. I couldn’t come up with anything I was proud of. The stress launched me into a cycle of deep despair, which ultimately led me to set fire to my life as I knew it and start over.

But then something unexpected happened.


Does this sound 


No matter how much these truths resonate in your core, you’re still finding yourself staring at a blank page, uninspired, stuck in a loop of hesitation and resistance.

You’ve tried all the mindset hacks but you can't get into a groove and you’re still left with that nagging guilty feeling for not following through on your soul work.

You’re paralyzed by perfectionism, self-doubt or fear of rejection.

You’re weighed down by feelings of inadequacy, overwhelm and confusion.

You’re on the verge of scrapping that project you’ve poured your heart into.

Sister, I was there too.

After hustling to build my own 7-figure international yoga clothing brand over seven years, I hit a wall. The well was dry. Bone dry. Everything I released was a flop. I was uninspired. I couldn’t come up with anything I was proud of. The stress launched me into a cycle of deep despair, which ultimately led me to set fire to my life as I knew it and start over.

But then something unexpected happened.


After neglecting my body for so many years (despite being immersed in the yoga world) I began to dance. I felt awkward and self-conscious, but with every circle of my hips and undulation of my spine, something began to awaken within me.


I was completely enamoured. Every cell in my body began to vibrate. Rivers poured from my eyes.

The spiralling path of the divine feminine led me deeper into the dark void of the Mother.

Then my pen began to move. The words flowed out of me like silly string.

The threads of my life began to intersect to reveal a beautiful tapestry.

My mind began to make new connections.

My heart and womb began to speak to me.

I met my MUSE

She demanded bliss, ecstasy and pleasure.

She didn’t want the slog.

She was done with the starving artist.

She wanted to create playfully, joyfully, artfully.

All within a supportive, regenerative ecosystem of likeminded souls.

She wanted an orgasmic birth, not an agonizing one

and she chose me to be her midwife

so I devoted myself to her

And I remembered myself as a muse, a divine creatrix, an ecstatic embodiment of her wild Shakti force.

She brought me home.

Are you feeling her awaken within you too? 

What would your life look like if:
  • Sharing your gifts was as easy as turning on a tap
  • Your creations flowed out of you effortlessly with joy and grace
  • Your body became an instrument for source to anchor beauty into this world
  • You could channel potent offerings encoded with healing frequencies
  • Your heart was tuned to magnetize the resources you need to fully blossom into your radiance
  • You became an overflowing well of wisdom, inspiration and nourishment for others
  • Your offerings were encoded with high-frequency activation keys for humanity’s evolution
  • Everything you did was in perfect alignment with your soul’s mission
  • You never had to deal with inner child wounding, sister wounding, ancestral trauma or limiting beliefs ever again
  • You created your offerings with confidence, courage and clarity
  • You experienced thriving abundance and prosperity by simply being yourself
  • You knew how to distill medicine from everything that’s ever happened to you
  • Your sacred work left a legacy that continued to serve and help others beyond your lifetime
  • Your work inspired healing and self-discovery journeys for others
  • You had the full support of your spirit guides, ancestors and soul lineages
  • You reconnected with your body as a powerful crucible for creation
  • Your work played a key role in raising the collective vibration to anchor heaven on earth.

It’s all possible.



I’ve distilled a lifetime of practice and study into the most comprehensive and effective way to help you fully embody your muse and activate your creative mastery.

This isn’t a course. It’s an activation. It’s a sacred alchemical container for transformation.


It’s a medicine bundle full of tried and tested practices.
It’s a chrism of high-frequency guides devoted to collective awakening.
It’s a permission slip to liberate the goddess within - the sacred, holy, ecstatic version of you.

It’s all possible.


I’ve distilled a lifetime of practice and study into the most comprehensive and effective way to help you fully embody your muse and activate your creative mastery.

This isn’t a course. It’s an activation. It’s a sacred alchemical container for transformation.


It’s a medicine bundle full of tried and tested practices.
It’s a chrism of high-frequency beings devoted to collective awakening.
It’s a permission slip to liberate the goddess within - the sacred, holy, ecstatic version of you.

In this 8 week immersion, we’ll explore:



Root Chakra / Great Mother / Courage

Divine Feminine Gnosis & Gaia as Muse

 Unlocking Liberating and Manifesting Currents

 Altars & Rituals of Creation


Sacral / Ecstatic Alchemist / Intimacy

Cultivating Kundalini Shakti Power

 Speaking from the Voice of the Womb

 Cervix as Dark Mother Stargate


Solar Plexus / Sovereign Queen / Honour

Flow States & Flow Consciousness

 Nervous System Optimization

Somatics, Coherence and Self-Care


Heart / Healer Midwife / Compassion

Overcoming Inner Child, Sister and Witch Wounding

 Limiting Belief and Trauma Clearing Practices

The Power of Play


Throat / Medicine Woman / Truth

Story as Medicine & Hero/Heroine’s Journey

 Speaking and Writing from the Womb-Heart

Creating Legacy Works for Lineage Reclamation


Third Eye / Intuitive Oracle / Vision

Metaphor, Symbol & Archetype

 Cultivating Starseed Transmission Power

Alchemy and Light Language 101


Crown / Wise Woman / Wisdom

Habits and Practices to Call in the Muse

 Focus, Mindset and How to Overcome Blocks

Intuition, Devotion and Creative Covenants


Soul Star / Magdalene / Abundance

How to Magnetize Ideal Collaborators

 Group Flow Optimization

Reciprocity and Genius Alignment

But more importantly, you will embody it in our weekly live dance temples.

This isn’t about accumulating more information, although that’s always nice.

This is an exercise of remembrance - it’s an unlocking of ancient, dormant codes that are yearning to come alive.

It’s a full activation of your power, your purpose and your presence, guided by Source and witnessed by your soul fam.

This program is perfect for you if:

 You’re feeling the whispers from your ancestors, you’re seeing the signs, you’re feeling the call

 You can’t ignore your sacred assignments any longer

 You know your art/creations carry a frequency - and you want that essence to come through in its full purity and potency

 You know you are the medicine

 You’re ready to birth your sacred work into the world

 You’re ready to reclaim your voice, your truth, your wholeness.

 You don’t want to waste any time getting on with your soul’s mission

 You’re done with the mental blocks and stagnation

 Your heart yearns to make a positive impact on the world

 You're ready to embody your divine feminine Shakti power

 You remember your purpose as an activator and accelerator

 You’re ready to honour yourself through a regular devotional practice

 You’ve been activated by channeled works and want to open your own channel

✔ You’re ready to surrender all expectations and let the river carry you back to Source

 You’re willing to play full on and let go of all expectations

 You’re willing to practice radical self responsibility and aren’t afraid to meet your shadows

 Your body is dropping cues, and you are ready to return to your inner temple sanctuary

 You refuse to die with songs, stories and gifts still inside of you

 You feel just a little bit alien. Possibly fairy. Definitely unicorn

 You’re ready to step into a timeline that is gloriously abundant and enriching

 You’re not looking for hand holding, you’re looking for space holding

 You're calling in a powerful community of sacred sisters who will have your back through thick and thin

This program is perfect for you if:

 You’re feeling the whispers from your ancestors, you’re seeing the signs, you’re feeling the call

 You can’t ignore your sacred assignments any longer

 You know your art/creations carry a frequency - and you want that essence to come through in its full purity and potency

 You know you are the medicine

 You’re ready to birth your sacred work into the world

 You’re ready to reclaim your voice, your truth, your wholeness.

 You don’t want to waste any time getting on with your soul’s mission

 You’re done with the mental blocks and stagnation

 Your heart yearns to make a positive impact on the world

 You're ready to embody your divine feminine Shakti power

 You remember your purpose as an activator and accelerator

 You’re ready to honour yourself through a regular devotional practice

 You’ve been activated by channeled works and want to open your own channel

✔ You’re ready to surrender all expectations and let the river carry you back to Source

 You’re willing to play full on and let go of all expectations

 You’re willing to practice radical self responsibility and aren’t afraid to meet your shadows

 Your body is dropping cues, and you are ready to return to your inner temple sanctuary

 You refuse to die with songs, stories and gifts still inside of you

 You feel just a little bit alien. Possibly fairy. Definitely unicorn

 You’re ready to step into a timeline that is gloriously abundant and enriching

 You’re not looking for hand holding, you’re looking for space holding

 You're calling in a powerful community of sacred sisters who will have your back through thick and thin

This program is not for you if:

  • You’re comfortable with the status quo
  • You're not serious about taking action
  • You’re weirded out by the woo
  • You’re easily triggered by others’ success
  • You prefer to lone wolf your way through life
Can you imagine how it would feel to live your life completely by design?


Hi! I'm Leah.

My star name is Sonaria. I am an ordained Priestess of Isis of the Tantric Rose Lineage, sonic alchemist and ceremonial spaceholder

After selling my yoga clothing business Inner Fire in 2019, I embarked on an intensive healing journey to find myself again. Through a series of initiations, including a major breakup and an abortion, I discovered the feminine mysteries and Priestess path, which led me to unlock the power of my womb and body temple through dance and flow arts.

In ceremony, I began to liberate my voice to channel light language and healing codes for the collective. As I reflected on my spiritual awakening, I began to trace a red thread through my life, which led me to embark on an ancestral healing journey through somatic writing. I devoted the last year to penning my memoir, Super Kali, which is a story about reclaiming the dark feminine and finding my way back to the Mother.

My mission is to guide visionary creatives, lightworkers and embodied  leaders to activate and channel their soul’s highest gifts.


I envision a world that is aligned to the power of unconditional love, a world that honours the wisdom of the earth and is restored in the balance of feminine and masculine. I envision a collaborative global family that works together to find solutions for the holistic health, happiness and betterment of all beings.

I am here to help you:

  • Unlock your inner wisdom and soul codes
  • Embody your highest self
  • Liberate your body and voice
  • Clear all energetic blocks and limiting beliefs
  • Reconnect with your intuition and flow
  • Discover your soul gifts and divine purpose
  • Unleash your Muse
  • Activate your superpowers
  • Manifest your dream life
  • Call in meaningful soul relationships
  • Become an empowered leader and spaceholder


Hi! I'm Leah.

My star name is Sonaria. I am an ordained Priestess of Isis of the Tantric Rose Lineage, sonic alchemist and ceremonial spaceholder

After selling my yoga clothing business Inner Fire in 2019, I embarked on an intensive healing journey to find myself again. Through a series of initiations, including a major breakup and an abortion, I discovered the feminine mysteries and Priestess path, which led me to unlock the power of my womb and body temple through dance and flow arts.

In ceremony, I began to liberate my voice to channel light language and healing codes for the collective. As I reflected on my spiritual awakening, I began to trace a red thread through my life, which led me to embark on an ancestral healing journey through somatic writing. I devoted the last year to penning my memoir, Super Kali, which is a story about reclaiming the dark feminine and finding my way back to the Mother.

My mission is to guide visionary creatives, lightworkers and embodied feminine leaders to activate and channel their soul’s highest gifts.


I envision a world that is aligned to the power of unconditional love, a world that honours the wisdom of the earth and is restored in the balance of feminine and masculine. I envision a collaborative global family that works together to find solutions for the holistic health, happiness and betterment of all beings.

I am here to help you:

  • Unlock your inner wisdom and soul codes
  • Embody your highest self
  • Liberate your body and voice
  • Clear all energetic blocks and limiting beliefs
  • Reconnect with your feminine flow
  • Discover your soul gifts and divine purpose
  • Unleash your inner creatrix
  • Activate your superpowers
  • Manifest your dream life
  • Call in meaningful soul relationships
  • Become an empowered leader and spaceholder

Program Overview


  • 8 Weekly Chakra & Divine Feminine Archetype Lectures
  • 8 Weekly Chakra Embodiment & Calibration Sessions
  • Pre-recorded Practices, Meditations, Clearings and Activations for each week's theme
  • Lecture Slides and 100+ page Course Companion with Journal Prompts
  • Weekly Activation Playlists


Divine Inner Union Light Language Activation 

☾ 3 Part Personal Branding Masterclass Series ($222 value)

Wealth Consciousness Masterclass ($111 value)

Are you ready to channel high frequency works and leave your legacy?

Self Study - Pay in Full



  • 8 Weekly Course Lectures & Embodiment Sessions (pre-recorded)
  • All  Meditations, Practices and Activations
  • 100 page Course Workbook
  • Weekly Live Embodiment Sessions
  • Facebook Group Support
  • All Bonuses

Prices in USD


Need peace of mind?

Money back guarantee: My priority is to keep the container as high vibe as possible, so if you’re not feeling it’s a good fit after the first week, I’m happy to refund your money. Note that this is not about getting results right away (that takes time) - it’s about showing up for yourself to come into the highest alignment. As with everything, you get what you put in!

Your 3 keys to


Access to updates for life

✔ You will be grandmothered in for any course additions and future updates

Lifetime Access

✔ All content and sessions will be available in our program portal.

Supportive Community

✔ Private FB group to connect with your soul tribe for support, co-creation and celebration.



“Create what causes a revolution in your heart.”

Elizabeth Gilbert

C L I E N T  L O V E

 "I truly found the Embodied Creatrix course beneficial towards a deeper connection within myself. So much knowledge and activating energy brought into the content (which I will definitely revisit, to receive even more). Leah holds space with grace and love, is inclusive, supportive and brings powerful priestess magic throughout each week. The workshop embodiment practices, and journal prompts (in addition to the live sessions) really allowed space during the time in between each week to stay attuned and consistent in my practice. I highly support this program and recommend it to all who want to explore more spaces of spirit, creativity and growth to elevate one’s Devine Feminine spirit."

Nadia Hosein

 “I believe Leah is our new age of leader embodied. Her commitment and discipline to a higher self lead life while showing vulnerability and complete surrender to the powerful flow of the universe is present in every conversation.

She has a very clear connection to high dimensional transformational healing energies and codes while remaining grounded, constantly connected to the support and wisdom of the ancient earth energies.”

Courtaney Stent

“Working with Leah was such a beautiful experience. From the get-go my intuition was a big yes and resonated with what Leah was sharing so strongly. Leah's space holding is exquisite, and the wisdom that naturally falls out of this Creatress is something incredible to be witnessed - just by being in her aura, there is genuine energetic upgrades to be had.

Leah's ability to tune into what I required during our sessions was extremely on-point.
I felt gently held and called forward to my highest self.
Sessions with Leah have been a truly sacred experience, I particularly loved experiencing light language that flows through Leah.
After every session I felt seen, heard and, most importantly, more aligned and connected to my True Self.”

Prue Sturgeon

Taking Leah's course at this time in my life was a gift for myself and also a tool I was using to manifest a specific vision. Each embodied session I consciously danced my dream into daily life, and a career that felt far off in the future is becoming a reality. I was even inspired to take up a new instrument (my brain hurts, in a good way!).

The material is invaluable and Leah does not hold anything back - she put her heart, soul and brilliant mind into distilling and presenting the very best of her vast knowledge. The existence of this course is a sign the divine feminine has regained her foothold and ancient teachings are present among us.

Carly O'Rourke 

"Leah is such a beautiful soul, inside and out. Her passion, knowledge and genuine love infuse every element of her teaching and the course. Through the course, and the time we shared together as a group, I felt so grateful and blessed to have the opportunity to be a part of this amazing journey, to get to know Leah & the other amazing women, to learn all that I did, and to have those powerful & beautiful experiences from the dancing & light language. And along with all the incredible information & bonuses that Leah created for us, this course is beyond worth its weight in gold. Truly a rich, multi dimensional, unique & transformative journey!"

Katarina Milenkovic

C L I E N T  L O V E

“Working with Leah was a divinely timed miracle. Leah has such a gift to bring forth soul light language and higher guides which can instantly shift through the density of our times. I came across Leah’s magnificence on Instagram and was moved so thoroughly when she spoke the light language; it felt like coming home and hearing exactly what my soul needed.

I’ve attended several of her online gatherings and also had a personal session with Leah which has both grounded and elevated my consciousness to help navigate the world we are in. I highly recommend working with Leah Sonaria, she is passionate and very connected to elevating consciousness.”

Rachel Harrison

 “I believe Leah is our new age of leader embodied. Her commitment and discipline to a higher self lead life while showing vulnerability and complete surrender to the powerful flow of the universe is present in every conversation.

She has a very clear connection to high dimensional transformational healing energies and codes while remaining grounded, constantly connected to the support and wisdom of the ancient earth energies.

My husband and I were inspired to work with Leah for a series of ceremonies. Choosing to work with her instead of traditional couples therapy has accelerated our relationship into a higher self-connection instead of a Trauma based dynamic. This has created a physical, emotional, spiritual and feeling state we have been seeking for many years in just 2 months.

We now feel connected through the new earth energies as a couple and are excited to see how our future unfolds in the new frequencies. I have also unlocked my capability to channel light language codes through these ceremonies.”

Courtaney Stent

“Working with Leah was such a beautiful experience. From the get-go my intuition was a big yes and resonated with what Leah was sharing so strongly. Leah's space holding is exquisite, and the wisdom that naturally falls out of this Creatress is something incredible to be witnessed - just by being in her aura, there is genuine energetic upgrades to be had.

Leah's ability to tune into what I required during our sessions was extremely on-point.
I felt gently held and called forward to my highest self.
Sessions with Leah have been a truly sacred experience, I particularly loved experiencing light language that flows through Leah.
After every session I felt seen, heard and, most importantly, more aligned and connected to my True Self.”

Prue Sturgeon

Can you hear her?

She has been waiting for millennia to be heard and now it’s time to let her speak through you. It’s time to clear your throat and let her medicine pour forth

..with play
..with authenticity
..with presence
..with humour
..with love

It's time to birth your sacred work, beloved.


Are you ready to reclaim the keys to your temple and become an Embodied Creatrix?

Plus receive special Bonus Personal Branding & Wealth Consciousness Masterclasses ($333 value).

Self - Study Option - Pay In Full



  • 8 Weekly Course Lectures & Embodiment Sessions (pre-recorded)
  • All Meditations, Practices and Activations
  • 100 page Course Workbook
  • Facebook Group Support
  • All Bonuses


Photography by Meredith Rose Photography, Lilly Ann Photography and Musashi Flores

I would like to acknowledge that I offer services, benefit from and flourish on unceded Indigenous land belonging to the Coast Salish peoples, including the territories of the xʷməθkwəy̓əm (Musqueam), Skwxwú7mesh (Squamish), Stó:lō and Səl̓ílwətaʔ/Selilwitulh (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations.