Technology of Transformation

Egyptian Alchemy Retreat

MAY 31 - JUNE 2, 2024



Technology of Transformation

Egyptian Alchemy Retreat

MAY 31 - JUN 2, 2024

Unlock the secrets of the ancient Egyptians through an embodied experience of connection, ritual magic, sound healing and sacred teachings. 

Are you ready to 



The present intensity in the collective field is calling us to remember the divine forces which assist humanity to rebalance and harmonize with the planet during this time of accelerated evolution.

Those who are called to serve as midwives and way-showers during this period of great transition are being initiated into new levels of consciousness and mastery.

It’s by gathering in sacred spaces that we can reclaim our divine essence and rediscover the path of the Initiate - a journey of expansion through lived experience. 

This journey is not meant to be taken alone. It is a process that amplifies when witnessed within a safely held ceremonial container with the support of experienced guides.

This is an invitation to join us for a three day deep dive into the Egyptian mysteries to reclaim your full, authentic self in the presence of your guides and sacred allies to embody your true power as the magical divine human you are. 

Are the feeling the call to embody your full sacred self?

Are you ready to 



The present intensity in the collective field is calling us to remember the divine forces which assist humanity to rebalance and harmonize with the planet during this time of accelerated evolution.

Those who are called to serve as midwives and way-showers during this period of great transition are being initiated into new levels of consciousness and mastery.

It’s by gathering in sacred spaces that we can reclaim our divine essence and rediscover the path of the Initiate - a journey of expansion through lived experience. 

This journey is not meant to be taken alone. It is a process that amplifies when witnessed within a safely held ceremonial container with the support of experienced guides.

This is an invitation to join us for a three day deep dive into the Egyptian mysteries to reclaim your full, authentic self in the presence of your guides and sacred allies to embody your true power as the magical divine human you are. 

Are the feeling the call to embody your full sacred self?


The healing technologies of ancient Egypt are here to help you: 

Cleanse past traumas and heal karmic woundings across all timelines and dimensions

 ☥ Release any blocks to your creativity, multi-dimensional gifts and magic

Navigate transitions and initiations with grace and ease

 ☥ Ecstatically awaken the light pathways in your body for full-spectrum living and optimal health

Activate your deepest Dharmic purpose in this lifetime by turning your wounds into your greatest gifts

 ☥ Embody your erotic divinity and sensual power

Support you in your soul's retrieval, remembrance and reclamation

 ☥ Activate and ground new abundance and prosperity templates aligned to your soul's highest purpose

 Magnetize ideal partners for relationships, collaboration, and divine union into your life

Click Below to Learn how to Leverage the Power of Ancient Technology to
Enhance your Life and Amplify your Impact 


Retreat Location

Loon Lake Lodge Retreat Centre, Maple Ridge, BC (UBC Demonstration Forest)

Sitting on the Vancouver side of Golden Ears Provincial Park, about 1 hour from Downtown Vancouver, Loon Lake Lodge & Retreat Centre is a local off-grid destination for quiet reflection and a home for fresh air, clean water, and tall fir trees that frame the majestic Garibaldi Mountain Range.


The Pan Abode 

With luxury bunks that sleep 20, a main communal space and attached bathrooms and kitchen, the Pan Abode is the ideal glamping set up for a rejuvenating weekend getaway.  


Bentley Family Dining Hall 

Loon Lake features fresh, healthy dining prepared by in-house chefs served buffet-style, with meals catering to any dietary preference (vegan, GF, allergies, etc). 

Dine with your fellow retreat attendees in a gorgeous bright cozy lodge. Six meals plus snacks are included. 

Gathering Space

The Pan Abode 

With beautiful cedar beams and modern lodge-style decor complete with a cozy fireplace area, our ceremonial space ideal place to deepen your spiritual awareness on all levels. We have held many retreats inside this special room and each time, the experiences goes deeper and deeper. 

Are you ready to discover who you truly are? 

This experience is perfect for you if:
  • You feel a strong connection to ancient Egypt/Kemet
  • You desire to deepen your understanding of why you are here on earth
  • You identify as a healer, guide, or mystic 
  • You feel a call to assist in humanity’s evolution as an emissary of LOVE
  • You have a deep connection to Mother Earth and desire to immerse yourself in her restorative frequencies 
  • You love creating ceremonial space with others
  • You feel called to serve others to deepen and grow their gifts, while you cultivate your own
  • You are seeking to amplify your creative capacity
  • You are seeking a community of supportive allies
  • You’re ready to own your power and live a truly abundant life - by design

Your sanctuary awaits.

Reset to rise into radiance


This gathering of sacred souls is a reunion of powerful healers and guides to foster quantum leaps into new timelines of prosperity and life mastery.

We are a circle of masters at play, weaving our threads of wisdom together.

It’s a permission slip to liberate the god and goddess within - the sacred, holy, ecstatic version of you.

This isn’t your average retreat.

It’s an initiatory activation.

It’s a sacred alchemical container for transformation.

It’s an opportunity to enter the liminal spaces of infinite possibility. 

It’s a chrism of high-frequency beings devoted to collective awakening.

It’s a permission slip to liberate the goddess within - the sacred, holy, ecstatic version of you.

Your sanctuary awaits.

Reset to rise into radiance

This gathering of sacred sisters is a reconsecration and reunion of high councils of light to foster quantum leaps into new timelines of prosperity and life mastery.
We are a circle of equals, weaving our threads of wisdom together.

This isn’t your average retreat.

It’s an initiatory activation.

It’s a sacred alchemical container for transformation.

 It’s an opportunity to enter the liminal spaces of infinite possibility. 

It’s a chrism of high-frequency beings devoted to collective awakening.

It’s a permission slip to liberate the goddess within - the sacred, holy, ecstatic version of you.


Leah Sonaria

Leah Sonaria, aka Flow Priestess, is a transformational guide, sonic alchemist and ceremonial spaceholder based out of Vancouver, BC, Canada. She recently co-led a magical pilgrimage to Egypt with Bryce and Meigan this past December.

As a devoted Priestess of Isis and Hathor, she works with the Neteru directly to facilitate deep healing and quantum shifts. She has the unique gift of being able to channel the language of the Egyptian deities (Neteru), offering DNA activations, Egyptian Reiki and sound codes to help unlock higher capacities and powers.

She is a certified somatic movement guide, breathwork facilitator, Kemetic yoga teacher and spiritual coach, as well as a singer, flow artist, writer and designer. She is the host of The Embodied Creativity Summit and the founder of Temple Keeper Collective, a priestess lifestyle brand.

Her mission is to support visionary creatives to activate their highest soul blueprints to birth their creative legacies with flow and ease.


Bryce Musil

He is a lifelong student of the Mystery whose mission is to help others embody deeper levels of purpose, expression, peace, and self acceptance. He does this through his presence, guided process work, and teaching. He offers one-on-one coaching as group facilitation.

Bryce is deeply inspired by the land of Khemet and his experiences there. His last journey was a catalyst for embracing this path of helping others experience transformation. The energies and stories of Egypt infuse much of his work. He recently led a pilgrimage to Egypt with Leah and Meigan in December 2023.

Bryce has trained with Accelerated Evolution Academy since 2020. This training has crystalized his intuitive ability to help others discover and express their deepest truths, accept themselves and their emotions, and transform the obstacles in their way.

Bryce hails from Burnaby, British Columbia on the unceded traditional territories of the səl̓ilwətaɁɬ təməxʷ (Tsleil-Waututh), šxʷməθkʷəy̓əmaɁɬ təməxʷ (Musqueam), and hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ speaking people.

We're big Egypt nerds.

This wisdom tradition is designed to help you:
  • Unlock your inner wisdom and soul codes
  • Embody your highest self
  • Liberate your body and voice
  • Clear energetic blocks and limiting beliefs
  • Reconnect with your intuitive flow
  • Transform your wounds into your greatest gifts
  • Unleash your inner creator and artist
  • Activate your superpowers
  • Create your dream life
  • Call in meaningful soul relationships
  • Become an empowered leader
  • Attract next level love


Leah Sonaria

Leah Sonaria, aka Flow Priestess, is a transformational guide, sonic alchemist and ceremonial spaceholder based out of Vancouver, BC, Canada. Egypt is her second home.

As a devoted Priestess of Isis and Hathor, she works with the Neteru directly to facilitate deep healing and quantum shifts. She has the unique gift of being able to channel the language of the Egyptian deities (Neteru), offering DNA activations, Egyptian Reiki and sound codes to help unlock higher capacities and powers. She recently co-led a magical pilgrimage to Egypt with Bryce and Meigan this past December.

She is a certified somatic movement guide, breathwork facilitator, Kemetic yoga teacher and spiritual coach, as well as a singer, flow artist, writer and designer. She is the host of The Embodied Creativity Summit and the founder of Temple Keeper Collective, a priestess lifestyle brand.

Her mission is to support visionary creatives to activate their highest soul blueprints to birth their creative legacies with flow and ease.

Bryce Musil

He is a lifelong student of the Mystery whose mission is to help others embody deeper levels of purpose, expression, peace, and self acceptance. He does this through his presence, guided process work, and teaching. He offers one-on-one coaching as group facilitation.

Bryce is deeply inspired by the land of Khemet and his experiences there. His last journey was a catalyst for embracing this path of helping others experience transformation. The energies and stories of Egypt infuse much of his work. He recently led a pilgrimage to Egypt with Leah and Meigan in December 2023.

Bryce has trained with Accelerated Evolution Academy since 2020. This training has crystalized his intuitive ability to help others discover and express their deepest truths, accept themselves and their emotions, and transform the obstacles in their way.

Bryce hails from Burnaby, British Columbia on the unceded traditional territories of the səl̓ilwətaɁɬ təməxʷ (Tsleil-Waututh), šxʷməθkʷəy̓əmaɁɬ təməxʷ (Musqueam), and hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ speaking people.

Meigan Swanson

Meigan is an art therapist, embodiment facilitator, early childhood interventionist, and community builder. Her passion is empowering people to connect more fully to their authentic expression and live embodied lives - through artistic creation, somatic awareness, interpersonal connection, and whole-body experiencing. She believes the body (and all its ways of feeling) allows direct access to deep healing and intuitive ways of knowing.

She will weave somatic practices into the journey and offering integration support through art, dance, movement, and discussion.

Living in Burnaby, BC, Meigan offers group therapeutic workshops for individuals of all ages. Her work is strongly influenced by the research fields of attachment theory, trauma informed practice, and interpersonal neurobiology.

We're big Egypt nerds.

This lineage is designed to help you:

  • Unlock your inner wisdom and soul codes
  • Embody your highest self
  • Liberate your body and voice
  • Clear energetic blocks and limiting beliefs
  • Reconnect with your intuitive flow
  • Transform your wounds into your greatest gifts
  • Unleash your inner creator and artist
  • Activate your superpowers
  • Create your dream life
  • Call in meaningful soul relationships
  • Become an empowered leader
  • Attract next level love

This is an initiatory alchemical container where we will be:

  • Learning ancient tools and practices to accelerate your spiritual growth & mastery

  • Anchoring in our highest timelines to manifest next-level realities & abundance

  • Connecting with mystical guides and receive evolutionary codes to activate healing capacities and new abilities 

  • Co-creating transformational ritual experiences for the benefit of all

  • Receiving deep nourishment through nature and food

  • Having a ton of fun in the process!


Retreat Schedule

May 31 - June 2, 2024 (Fri-Sunday) 

Friday May 31

Afternoon arrival (3pm)

Opening Ceremony


Lecture: Kemetic Mindset & Principles of Creation

Blue Lotus Cacao Ceremony & Sound Bath


Saturday June 1

Meditation / Kemetic Yoga


Lecture: Egyptian Alchemy, Tantra & Sacred Technology

Somatic Exploration


Dharmic Activation

Soul Retrieval Breathwork Ceremony 

Lakeside Integration


Resurrection Ritual / Rose Ceremony

Sunday June 2

Meditation / Yin Yoga

Nature Communion

Closing Ceremony




☥ Guided Meditations & Pre-Retreat Activations

☥ Post-retreat online integration circle

☥ Discounted Energy & Coaching Sessions

Space is limited to only 20 spots and they won't last long, so if your body is saying a full on YES, please register today.

Super Early Bird by April 11, 2024:
Single: $888
SPECIAL rate for two (this is a great deepening experience for couples): $1600

After April 11th :
Single: $1111
Rate for two: $2000

A 50% non-refundable deposit is required to secure your spot.

The second payment will be charged 2 weeks prior to the retreat.
*See refund policy below.

Sliding scale options available, starting at $399.
Please email [email protected] if you would like to attend but cannot pay the full price (deposit amounts remain the same).





"All is within yourself. Know your most inward self and look for what corresponds with it in nature."


Ancient Egyptian Proverb

What past participants are saying 

This was an amazing and fulsome experience. Every day was packed full of head and heart centred learning, application, integration, and fun. The yoga, the breathwork, the food, the company - it was exactly the right thing at the right time. Leah and Bryce are the real deal. I was so impressed by their wisdom and authenticity. I can't wait till next time!"

Erin Matchette

"I can't echo this enough that the facilitators holding space and a close intimate group allowed me to let go at the deepest level I have experienced. As someone who has been fighting life by myself I was able to trust the process and speak up by pushing my comfort zone at my own pace. With all the support I was able to ease myself and get out of my head and connect with my hearts emotion to leave the retreat with more clarity and confidence of who I am."

Tadaaki Sun

Leah and Bryce were such amazing retreat facilitators! Their knowledge of Egyptian Alchemy made our lectures very interesting and the evenings of Ritual Theatre so much fun! They approach each activity with smiles and laughter making even the most intense dives more comfortable. It was so nice to be led through such well organized activities including the Art Expression led by Meigan. The food made with such love by Ashley was incredible. I look forward to joining more retreats and events in the future!"

Joanne Fetchko

"Enrolling in Leah and Bryce's Technology of Transformation retreat was a leap of faith for me, but it turned out to be an extraordinary journey. Leah's meticulous planning created an incredible space for growth. The facilitation team shared invaluable insights on emotional and spiritual well-being, offering a rich blend of modalities over just a few days. Drawing from Leah's experiences in Egypt and her unwavering commitment to growth, the retreat was a whirlwind of transformative practices. If you're seeking spiritual alignment and new tools for your journey, I wholeheartedly endorse this retreat."

Blake Lirette


This was an amazing and fulsome experience. Every day was packed full of head and heart centred learning, application, integration, and fun. The yoga, the breathwork, the food, the company - it was exactly the right thing at the right time. Leah and Bryce are the real deal. I was so impressed by their wisdom and authenticity. I can't wait till next time!"

Erin Matchette

"I can't echo this enough that the facilitators holding space and a close intimate group allowed me to let go at the deepest level I have experienced. As someone who has been fighting life by myself I was able to trust the process and speak up by pushing my comfort zone at my own pace. With all the support I was able to ease myself and get out of my head and connect with my hearts emotion to leave the retreat with more clarity and confidence of who I am."

Tadaaki Sun

Leah and Bryce were such amazing retreat facilitators! Their knowledge of Egyptian Alchemy made our lectures very interesting and the evenings of Ritual Theatre so much fun! They approach each activity with smiles and laughter making even the most intense dives more comfortable. It was so nice to be led through such well organized activities including the Art Expression led by Meigan. The food made with such love by Ashley was incredible. I look forward to joining more retreats and events in the future!"

Joanne Fetchko

I started working with Bryce with the goal of developing a better relationship with prosperity. I was feeling very drained, blocked, and full of self doubt, and with the unique processes that we explored in our sessions, I was able to clear away any stagnant energy very quickly, and regain incredible laser focus towards my vision and goals. Bryce is very supportive, encouraging, and generous with his time and energy, and we achieved so many incredible breakthroughs in a very short amount of time. Now I feel like I’m back on track with my purpose, and I feel like I’m in control of manifesting my dreams again. Things that once felt so far out of reach now feel attainable, and I am more aware of myself, my desires, and what actions I am being called to take to get me closer to that goal. He also created a safe and welcoming space so that I was able to dig in deep and release some very old stories from my past that were blocking me from my abundance. We never rushed through anything too quickly, and Bryce intuitively knew what I needed in each moment. I would recommend Bryce to anyone who is feeling lost or confused about their goals, career, and life purpose. Now I have a vision that is aligned with my gifts and values, and I feel motivated and inspired to continue the journey forward! Thank you!"

Haley Jane









Can you hear the whispers of your soul?

Now is the time to become who you truly are. The Egyptian mysteries will open up your capacity to magnetize and manifest the most magical and fulfilling life.

Are you ready to unlock your:

     Sacred Sexuality

May we awaken to who we truly are


Don't delay!
Only 20 spaces available


Photography by Evergrey Photography (Arielle Pate), Meredith Rose, Karim Moneer & Jonathan Buyco

Site design by Leah Sonaria

I would like to acknowledge that I offer services, benefit from and flourish on unceded Indigenous land belonging to the Coast Salish peoples, including the territories of the xʷməθkwəy̓əm (Musqueam), Skwxwú7mesh (Squamish), Stó:lō and Səl̓ílwətaʔ/Selilwitulh (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations.